
Showing posts from September, 2013

Film v Digital: Latitude

The demise of film seems to be a favorite topic among photographers. As a hobbyist I’ve mostly quietly disagreed with many of these assertions of digital supremacy. It’s not that I refuse to shoot digital; in fact I very much enjoy my digital cameras as well, but I never felt one could substitute for the other. It’s been said before that there is a specific look to film, and it’s hard to quantify why digital doesn’t reproduce it. Having played with both digital and film for years now I’ve felt that a large part of this difference is actually comes down to how highlights are handled between the two. Now what is a talk about highlights without bringing up dynamic range and latitude. While the two terms are tossed around often interchangeably, in the photography world they describe two related but distinct qualities of a medium. Dynamic range is a measure of the brightest and darkest that a medium can capture simultaneously, while latitude is the measure of a mediums ability to b