
Showing posts from 2016

Film Photography & being mindful of Scanning

(Note: I am giving Medium a try as I find the layouts look nice. It's here ) Film often gets the short sell. Digital came onto the scene and it no longer made sense for the vast majority of photographers and snapshot shooters to keep buying rolls. But often I observe digital shooters taking cheap shots at the medium. They mistake soft scans for a soft medium. And while the nature of film inherently lacks the sterile clarity of digital, much of that softness comes from a different source. Which is why I wanted to attempt a visualization the impact scanning can have. But before that comparison we need to understand that the resolution of a camera or a scanner are not all created equal. The Resolution in MP(megapixels) or dpi(dots per inch) listed on the box often isn’t a literal translation to what is resolved (the fine detail we can see).  Shooting digital it’s very easy to take this distinction for granted but it still applies. Am image from a 24MP camera might onl

The 1020 to The 950

The cameras on the Lumia's are what made me switch from an iPhone, and has been a great pocket companion for the last couple years but as with any phone it started to show it's age.  The new 950 seemed like it was a reasonable replacement, but with fewer pixels and a smaller sensor I was curious if it would be too much of a compromise. So it seemed appropriate to go over the specs and see exactly how much of a change to expect. At first it seems that the 1020 still has an advantage. It has a larger sensor, with a higher resolution. But generally the rule is for all things being equal total light gathered is most important. So how much light do both of these cameras gather? The 950 has a larger aperture ratio and a lower base ISO. Allowing about half a stops more light to each pixel, but with less the half the total pixels. So if we assume the same final resulting size the 1020 still has half a stop advantage. But the 950 should allow to shoot with 1 s